Top 10 Tips to Make the Most of Your Baby Show Experience
Plan your travel to The Baby Show with Lidl GB, at ExCeL London, 4-6 March! Click here for travel information.
1) Ensure your mobile phone is fully charged
As you will need to show your e-tickets on your phone and also your COVID-19 status to ensure all our visitors and exhibitors can relax knowing that we are looking after you.
2) Research the brands before you visit
You may have heard of some of the big brands, but there’s plenty of small brands to discover too. Create your hit list.
3) Take a look at the Pocket Map
Either print at home or pick up when you arrive at the show. There are also You are Here boards at the show so you can locate stands and facilities easily.
4) Check out the timetable of free expert and guest talks on the Live Talks Stage
Whether you’re pregnant or already have a baby, there are talks tailored to your needs on everything from breastfeeding and sleep to mental health and becoming a dad. No need to book in advance, just drop in!
5) Set your budget
Especially if you’re looking for investment pieces such as buggies, car seats and nursery furniture.
6) Make your baby budget stretch further with special show offers
You can also find these on brand pages. There will be lots of additional offers available at the show and freebies and samples to take advantage of.
7) Stay focused by making a shopping list
With so many brands and products to choose from, it can feel overwhelming, especially to first time parents. Stay focused by making a shopping list of must-haves and nice-to-haves.
8) Ask for product advice and product demos
Not sure how something works, don’t be afraid to ask. Test drive buggies, try on slings, ask for car seat fitting advice and feel baby bedding and clothes. It’s a rare opportunity to speak to brand experts face-to-face and touch and feel products.
9) Don’t worry if you’ve forgotten nappies or food for your little one
Change your baby in comfort at the Lidl Lupilu Baby Changing Area with free nappies and wipes and try out delicious For Aisha baby food in The Feeding Café.
10) Rest
Put your feet up and take 5 when you need to. There is plenty of seating and places to get refreshments inside the hall and in the Boulevard.