ENTEROSGEL KIDS is a Drug-free Diarrhoea treatment for children clinically proven to reduce the duration of diarrhoea.

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ENTEROSGEL KIDS is a Drug-free Diarrhoea treatment for children clinically proven to reduce the duration of diarrhoea.

Enterosgel & Doctor Gut
ENTEROSGEL KIDS is a Drug-free Diarrhoea treatment for children clinically proven to reduce the duration of diarrhoea.

ENTEROSGEL KIDS is a Drug-free Diarrhoea treatment for children clinically proven to reduce the duration of diarrhoea.

ENTEROSGEL KIDS is the only treatment for children under 12 years, clinically proven to reduce the duration of diarrhoea. ENTEROSGEL KIDS can be taken for tummy bugs, traveller’s diarrhoea and food poisoning in children, even those under 1 year. Unlike other treatments such as Oral rehydration salts that can rehydrate the body, ENTEROSGEL KIDS targets the cause of diarrhoea reducing symptoms fast.

Diarrhoea in children is a common condition.

Children often experience more than one episode of diarrhoea every year and research shows that 10% of children under 5 visit their GP or hospital with gastroenteritis (tummy bugs) each year. When children suddenly get loose, watery and more frequent bowel movements, they have diarrhoea. It can make children feel really poorly, means time off school or nursery and gastroenteritis can easily spread to the rest of the family.

Diarrhoea or Traveller’s diarrhoea as it is called is also one of the most common health complaints experienced during travel. Spread mainly through food and water but also between people, it can affect up to 60% of people on their travels. Symptoms usually get better within 5 days and most cases are mild, but it can affect the whole family and completely spoil a holiday.

There are many causes of short-term diarrhoea, viruses are the most common cause of gastroenteritis in children, such as rotavirus or norovirus. Bacteria can also cause gastroenteritis, sometimes linked to food poisoning and can be caused by Salmonella, E.coli, and shigella.


It is supported by scientific and clinical research studies and recommended by UK gastroenterologists. ENTEROSGEL KIDS is the only safe treatment to relieve diarrhoea that can be used by children under 12 years, other anti-diarrhoeal medicines are not recommended in this age group or for infectious diarrhoea with a fever.

ENTEROSGEL KIDS is a drug-free oral intestinal adsorbent, clinically proven to help reduce the duration of short-term diarrhoea. Readily available over-the-counter, it works well alongside a oral rehydration solution which helps prevent dehydration, especially in children.

Safe and effective, ENTEROSGEL has been available as an anti-diarrhoeal treatment in Europe for over 20 years.

• Clinically proven to quickly relieve diarrhoea

• Suitable for children of all ages (from 0+ yrs)*

• Can be taken by the whole family

• Tasteless and well tolerated by children

* Prior to use in children under 3 years old it is advisable to consult a doctor


ENTEROSGEL KIDS is an over-the-counter medical device, indicated for the symptomatic treatment of short-term (acute) diarrhoea and IBS diarrhoea. In a recent randomised controlled study* in patients with acute diarrhoea, ENTEROSGEL treatment led to a significant reduction in the duration of diarrhoea compared with standard care alone.

ENTEROSGEL KIDS is an oral intestinal adsorbent gel composed of an organic mineral (polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate) and water. It is completely non-allergenic and contains no preservatives, additives, plant or animal derived ingredients. Intestinal adsorbents are classified as medical devices as they are not adsorbed by the body, so they are safe for children and adults, their action is in the gut, capturing the causes of diarrhoea and removing them from the body.

How does ENTEROSGEL KIDS work?

ENTEROSGEL KIDS works in the gut binding to bacterial toxins from bacteria such as E.coli, Shigella and C.difficile**, along with viruses and other harmful substances that can cause diarrhoea. ENTEROSGEL KIDS along with these toxins and viruses are then completely expelled from the body in the stool. By helping to eliminate the cause of a child’s diarrhoea, the product effectively reduces the duration and gets children back to school more quickly. ENTEROSGEL is also available in larger tubes for adults or on-the-go sachets, so can help the whole family deal quickly with diarrhoea at home or abroad.

* Howell CA. BMJ Open Gastroenterology 2019;6(1):e000287 http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjgast-2019-000287

** Howell CA, et al. Scientific reports. 2019;9:5629 https://rdcu.be/buBKB



ENTEROSGEL KIDS is simple to administer, simply mix the gel at the recommended aged dose in water and drink. Children are happy to take it as it’s completely tasteless, and it can also be mixed into oral rehydration salt solution or diluted juice.

Available to buy from Asda, Boots, Lloyd’s Pharmacy and Well Pharmacy


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Enteromed Ltd conducts clinical trials for Enterosgel® and distribute Enterosgel® in the UK.

Email: info@enteromed.co.uk

Website: https://enteromed.co.uk/       



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