My Expert Midwife Mega Calm Massage Balm

Exhibitors Products

04 May 2023

My Expert Midwife Mega Calm Massage Balm

My Expert Midwife

Mega Calm Massage Balm contains no artificial ingredients and has been designed to help nourish and moisturise baby’s skin during massage whilst supporting skin integrity. Midwife-developed, the massage balm contains calendula, oat kernel, sweet almond and coconut, chosen for their soothing, softening and calming properties. It is safe to use from newborn and has been developed to be gentle for your baby’s skin and to support a calming, bonding massage experience.


  • Skincare
  • Fourth Trimester (0-3 months)
  • 3-6 months
  • 6-12 months
  • 12+ months
  • NEC
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